Online Resources

Websites Suggested by Papillon Center

There are thousands of web sites and blogs devoted to giving out information, support and personal opinion on transgender issues. The sites listed below have been hand selected by Dr. McGinn. Although there are many excellent sites not listed here, we have provided a small, readable list that contains some core information to get you started in broadening your gender knowledge. These links frequently update their content and are run by very devoted organizations and individuals. Often times, Dr. McGinn has known the authors for quite some time and can endorse them as being leaders in their area of expertise.

General Information

TS ROADMAP Outstanding general resource
Susan's Place Excellent link clearinghouse
Anne Vitale PhD/therapist with buckets of wisdom
Go Ask Alice Ask your sex question here. Answers are based on fact, not opinion.
REMEMBERING OUR DEAD Why politics matter
TG POC Transgender People of Color


MERMAIDS For younger patients and their families
ANTIJEN BLOG Trans advocate and good source for trans youth


IFGE Find local therapists/recourses and scientific publications
WPATH (formerly HBIGDA) World Professional Association for Transgender Health
GLMA Find a local physician
PFLAG Help with telling your loved-ones
Renaissance Support groups near you
GENDER ORG Find local therapists/resources and providers


International Journal of Transgenderism Scientific articles on transgender issues
Center for Excellence in Sexual Health Offers med-school curriculum models to include transgender health

Legal Information

Substance Abuse Programs

Military Issues


Paul to the Galations 3(28):"(t)here are no more distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, but all of you are one in Jesus Christ."